Property Management Insights

HB404 Safe At Home Act

Georgia's new legislation effecting owners' responsibilities on rental properties.  There are 4 key elements: 1. Landland shall keep the premises in good repair. If you wouldn't let your mom live there, you need to do some work. 2. Expands the definitio...

Georgia Squatter Reform Law

Governor Kemp recently enacted the Georgia Squatters Reform Law, designed to assist homeowners in reclaiming their properties from squatters. Under this new law, homeowners who discover squatters on their property can contact the police, who will then require the squatters to pro...

6 Things You Shouldn't Throw In The Trash

Property Management Blog
Everybody’s got stuff.  A lot of stuff.  And we’re acquiring more stuff all the time, so we all need to discard some stuff on a regular basis.  In most cases, it’s fine to simply toss unwanted stuff in the trash.  But there are some household...

Landlord Tenant Laws (Georgia)

Property Management Blog
Tip #20: It is really risky managing a property without knowing what the laws are that govern tenancy. Every state is different - some are move tenant friendly and structure laws accordingly. When managing your rental, don't assume anything. Make sure you consult the laws and...

Tip #13 It's A Business

Property Management Blog
Treat your rental like a business - because it is. Even if you only have one property, act like you are managing many. Use purchased leases so you are appropriately protected, act professional in front of your tenants and prospective tenants, maintain accurate books, put processe...

Tip# 11 Tax Advantages

Property Management Blog
Rental property = tax advantages. Keep track of everything you spend using a separate bank account and credit card. Keep all receipts. At the end of the year, you'll be able to write off interest, depreciation, materials, supplies, travel, insurance, legal and professional se...

Tip #6 Collections

Property Management Blog
Collecting past due rent from your tenants is a job many owners find distasteful. Make sure your lease clearly spells out the consequences for late rent, send your demand notice, and file eviction if you don't get paid. Do not accept partial payments as this starts you down t...

What is the Eviction Process in the Atlanta area?

To many people, the eviction process in Georgia seems so daunting. For the vast majority of us, standing before a judge to defend our position can be foreign and very scary. Today, we’re discussing dispossessory action and how to evict a tenant in the Atlanta area.Marietta ...

Property Security Deposits

Welcome to Atlanta Area Property and Management; serving the entire Atlanta Metro Area. There are very strict laws regarding the handling of security deposits. These laws can get an owner in lots of trouble, and if you make a mistake, fines and penalties can apply.By law, securit...

Move In and Move Out

Property Management Blog
A move-in inspection is when the landlord and tenant walk through the rental documenting the condition prior to the tenant moving in and before handing over the security deposit. This report will be used when the tenant moves out to determine if there was any damage caused by the...
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